Tested technologies
The main activity of the OPEN-C Foundation is to host and support collaborative experimental research projects.
Find here the EMR technologies tested or soon to be tested on the 5 OPEN-C Foundation offshore sites, whether grid-connected demonstrators/prototypes or emerging technologies. The OPEN-C Foundation also carries out collaborative innovation and R&D projects on various MRE themes, sites and issues, in particular: knowledge of the environment, monitoring and measurement systems, anchoring, dynamic cables, etc.
Demonstration of a 2MW floating concrete barge wind turbine with semi-tensioned nylon anchor connected to the ENEDIS network.
- Project leaders: BW Idéol, Centrale Nantes, OPEN-C Foundation and Bouygues TP.
- Sea tests: 2018 to 2024 extended until 2027.
> To know more : BW Idéol website et SEM-REV website
EOLINK floating wind turbine (5 MW) based on a four-mast pyramidal structure to make it lighter. It will be connected to the grid for several years of testing.
- Project leaders: EOLINK, OPEN-C Foundation & VALOREM
- Project stages: Installation of anchors on SEM-REV site in 2023 - Assembly 2025-2026 - Then installation on SEM-REV site
Prototype of wave energy production system, on a scale of 1:4, distinguished by an innovative anchoring and tested for 10 months.
- Project leaders: Seaturns and Ifremer
- Sea tests: 2023-2024
Pilot offshore hydrogen production platform, connected to the SEM-REV electrical hub and equipped with a 1MW electrolyser.
- Project leaders: LHYFE, GEPS Techno, Centrale Nantes, OPEN-C Foundation and Plug
- Sea tests: 2023
Port dike which integrates a wave energy recovery system to produce electricity while sheltering the ports and the coastline.
- Project leaders: Legendre Group, GEPS Techno and Ifremer
- Sea tests: 2022
Vertical axis wind turbine allowing the size of the float to be reduced by 40% compared to a conventional floating wind turbine.
- Project leader: Hydroquest and Ifremer
- Dyke tests: 2021-2022
Initially tested on canals in Canada and the US, this vertical axis tidal turbine with a capacity of 25 kW was submerged from its floating platform for a period of several months.
- Project leader: Hydrokinetic Power Generation Systems
- Test: 2022
1st generation of oceanic tidal turbine, developed by Hydroquest and tested for 2 years. It has a power of 1MW and placed on a tripod at a depth of 35m.
- Project leaders: HydroQuest and Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie
- Sea tests: 2019-2021
Autonomous hybrid energy production platform producing wave energy. It was anchored in 4 synthetic lines.
- Project leaders: GEPS Techno, IFREMER, Centrale Nantes, Chantiers de L’Atlantique, Blue solutions, SNEF and ICAM
- Sea tests: 2019-2021
Design Pro
This floating tidal turbine, based on GKinetic technology, has two turbines on either side of a deflector. With a power of 25kW, it is intended for river and estuarine applications.
- Project leader: DesignPro Renewables
- Testing: 2018-2020
EOLINK (1-10ème)
Floating wind turbine, designed on a 1/10th scale, combining a turbine with a lightweight structure in order to optimize the cost of electricity production.
- Project leader: EOLINK and Ifremer
- Sea tests: 2018-2019
Hydroquest River 2.80
Hydroquest River 2.80 is a hydrokinetic turbine assembly turbine with two levels and two transverse flow wheels eachfor a total power of 80 kW.It was installed on the floating platform of the offshore site.
- Project leader: Hydroquest
- Testing: 2018-2019
Four 16m diameter OpenHydro turbines deployed and tested by Naval Energies in real conditions: first two off-grid turbines (2010/2011 and 2013/2014) then two turbines grid-connected deployed in 2016.
- Project leaders: Naval Energies, Openhydro, EDF
- Sea tests: 2010-2017
Hybrid electricity production system that uses 4 renewable energy sources: wave, tidal, wind and sun.
- Project leaders: GEPS Techno, Ifremer, EDROME, ICAM, STX and Mécasoud
- Sea tests: 2015-2016