Homepage News Monabiop demonstrator reaches the end of its mission at MISTRAL

Monabiop demonstrator reaches the end of its mission at MISTRAL

Démantèlement MONABIOP sur le site d'essais en mer MISTRAL-crédit FEM

Last week saw the dismantling of the MONABIOP demonstrator at the OPEN-C Foundation’s Mediterranean test site, MISTRAL.

The Monabiop project aims to improve knowledge and in-service monitoring of nylon anchor lines, as well as developing methods for measuring and monitoring underwater bio-colonization.

The dismantling operation at sea required 4 days. The demonstrator took the form of a 7-ton buoy, equipped with a hybrid semi-tensioned chain-nylon anchor and several tension and elongation sensors. On a reduced scale, it provided a representative example of the average and dynamic forces generated by a floating wind turbine. Providing a valuable platform for offshore testing of anchor line components and instruments for in-service monitoring of nylon anchors, the demonstrator is also being used to study the kinetics of colonization of polyamide lines by living organisms, and the influence of elongation on this process.

To find out more about this project:  BAMOS (france-energies-marines.org)

Photo credit: France Energies Marines

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