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Meet the OPEN-C Foundation teams and check out our job offers

équipes de la Fondation OPEN-C

The OPEN-C Foundation is made up of 30 men and women with a wide range of skills who work every day to coordinate, develop and operate the 5 French test sites dedicated to MRE. Engineering, R&D, communications and partnerships, financial services… the Foundation’s workforce is composed of a wide range of professions.

For each of them, there are at least 3 good reasons to work in the marine renewable energy sector:

Contribute to a sustainable future

By working in MRE, you're playing an active part in the energy transition. The oceans represent a clean, endless source of energy. By exploiting tides, wind and currents, we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change.

Innovating and pushing back technological limits

MREs are a playground for innovation. Each project is a technological adventure that requires creative solutions and technical advances. Working in this field means being at the cutting edge of research and development, while contributing to pioneering projects.

Positively impacting local communities

MRE projects not only benefit the environment, but also local communities. They create jobs, boost local economies and promote the sustainable development of coastal regions. By joining this sector, you'll be taking part in initiatives that have a real and tangible impact on the lives of local people.

To find out more about our jobs, the working environment and conditions, discover our offices and some of our colleagues & follow open jobs and apply : Find us on Welcome to the Jungle France!

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